Redefining the boundaries of possibilities.

Easy, build new mobility products.
With voya!

The world of mobility is now called voya

From home, from the office, or on the go

We empower our customers to build exceptional mobility products that their customers love, faster and more flexibly than ever before.


understand voya

voya Mobility Platform explained:

The voya Mobility Platform is the ideal tool to turn your vision into reality. With its funnel-shaped structure and multiple levels of customization, it serves perfectly as the foundation of future mobility: your product.


understand voya

voya Mobility Platform explained:

The voya Mobility Platform is the ideal tool to turn your vision into reality. With its funnel-shaped structure and multiple levels of customization, it serves perfectly as the foundation of future mobility: your product.

Mobility phases

Mobility Phases

The voya Mobility platform offers solutions for all stages of mobility. From initial access through selected touchpoints, to travel planning, booking, reporting, and billing – everything integrated.

Software enabler

Unique modules

The modules form the foundation of the platform. With their help, voya provides a seamless and intuitive transition between the user and the system.

Travel & Route Planning

Easily make, compare, and manage travel and route planning with the voya Mobility platform.

Payment methods

The voya Mobility platform makes use of various payment methods and offers the option of simple cost calculation – all in accordance with the latest security standards.

User profiles

Effectively create, manage, and organize user profiles with the voya Mobility platform. Additionally, it offers the possibility of CRM integration.

Business Development

The voya Mobility platform grows with your business. It adapts to your needs individually and intuitively, providing a future perspective.


Documentation is essential. With the voya Mobility platform, it happens automatically and effortlessly. It provides the reporting of the future.

Mobility Service Providers

Our affiliated Mobility Service Providers (MSPs) can be classified into four categories: Micromobility, Long-Distance, Accommodation, and Local Transport. You can choose which providers should be available to your users.

Your vision

Your vision

There are no limits to your vision. The voya Mobility Platform offers a secure foundation to make the future of mobility come true. Let your creativity run free.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Touch Points

With the voya Mobility platform, every idea, every innovation can become a reality on all common devices. Whether it’s a smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, ticket counter, or onboard display – the possibilities are endless.

Your Product

Your product

At the end there is your product. In combination with the voya mobility platform, you expand your horizons and those of your users. You make the future.

Contact us

That's what voya can do.

The platform that can do it all. And even more!

Unique customer experience

Unique customer experience

Flexible interface with customized product options for your customers.

Faster than the competition

Faster than the competition

Individual and yet cost-effective, only Voya can implement new solutions.

With a clear business case

With a clear business case

Transparent SaaS model scales with your business. Without expensive commitments.


In the name of mobility

What our partner says



With the Voya Mobility API, we finally have the opportunity within the corporation to quickly and easily build, test, and scale products and business models in the travel and mobility sector.

Knut Krösche

Head of Mobility, Cariad, Volkswagen


Micro-, Inter-, and Multimodal mobility.

We are becoming increasingly mobile, and this mobility is becoming smarter and more digital. How we move from A to B tomorrow will be significantly influenced by software. Voya is building these new pathways.


Where voya comes in - this is how we support.

We believe in simple, scalable mobility for everyone: from the user to the mobility provider. That's why we have developed our own platform that enables the rapid implementation of new concepts.

Three steps to the solution with voya

The consulting process is this simple


Speak with a voya expert

Our product manager will show you the platform and examples.


Build a use case together

We check which API is the best fit for your case.


Quick start of the development

Your teams can already be running a pilot in no time.

voya in experience

This is how we have transformed the travel management of our customers.

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Beos - a company with tradition, the topic of business trips has been an integral part from the very beginning. Just like the cooperation with different service providers, each responsible for a process: booking, accounting, support.

Before voya: status quo & requirements

Who is not familiar with this? Many cooks, one porridge. As in many other organizations, travel management at Beos has historically grown with the times. Digital solutions have made their way in, but in isolation rather than integrated.

With voya: effects & impacts

The fear that reorganizing travel management and integrating the process on the voya platform would be complex, time-consuming and costly proved to be unfounded. The opposite was and is the case: The use of voya immediately saves time and costs.


"Letting go of the old to make room for the new is worth it. voya is innovation at its best."


Beos - ein Unternehmen mit Tradition, das Thema Dienstreisen von Beginn an integraler Bestandteil. Genauso wie die Zusammenarbeit mit unterschiedlichen Dienstleistern, jeder für sich verantwortlich für einen Prozess: Buchung, Abrechnung, Betreuung.

Vor voya: Status quo & Anforderungen

Wer kennt das nicht? Viele Köche, ein Brei. Wie in vielen anderen Organisationen auch, ist das Reisemanagement bei Beos historisch mitgewachsen. Digitale Lösungen haben zwar Einzug erhalten, aber isoliert statt integriert.

Mit voya: Effekte & Auswirkungen

Die Befürchtung, das Reisemanagement neu zu organisieren und den Prozess auf der voya Plattform zu integrieren, sei aufwändig, zeit- und kostenintensiv, erwies sich als unbegründet. Das Gegenteil war und ist der Fall: Die Nutzung von voya spart unmittelbar Zeit und Kosten.

Daniel Seifert-Ziehe

"Altes loslassen, um Platz für Neues zu schaffen, lohnt sich. voya ist Innovation auf höchstem Niveau."

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Lufthansa City Center travel agency AG

Hardly any other business is as dynamic as the agency business: short-term client appointments, presentations, and orders - and the travel that goes with it - are a normal part of everyday life. A central organization makes little sense here; each employee must be able to manage his or her projects independently.

Before voya: status quo & requirements

Challenging times require new solutions: Digital first, facilitation starts mi the technology, booking, billing, reporting & familiar service on one platform, 100% remote deployable.

With voya: effects & impacts

The fear that reorganizing travel management and integrating the process on the voya platform would be complex, time-consuming and costly proved to be unfounded. The opposite was and is the case: The use of voya immediately saves time and costs.

Markus Orth

"Voya has managed to simplify the booking and billing of travel using open booking"

Lufthansa City Center Reisebüro AG

Kaum eine anderes Business ist so dynamisch wie das Agenturgeschäft: Kurzfristige Kund:innen-Termine, Präsentationen, und Aufträge - und das damit verbundene Reisen ganz normaler Alltag. Eine zentrale Organisation ergibt da wenig Sinn, jede:r Mitarbeite:r muss in der Lage sein, seine Vorhaben eigenständig zu managen.

Vor voya: Status quo & Anforderungen

Herausfordernde Zeiten erfordern neue Lösungen: Digital first, Erleichterung beginnt mi der Technologie, Buchung, Abrechnung, Reporting & gewohnter Service auf einer Plattform, 100% remote einsetzbar.

Mit voya: Effekte & Auswirkungen

Die Befürchtung, das Reisemanagement neu zu organisieren und den Prozess auf der voya Plattform zu integrieren, sei aufwändig, zeit- und kostenintensiv, erwies sich als unbegründet. Das Gegenteil war und ist der Fall: Die Nutzung von voya spart unmittelbar Zeit und Kosten.

Markus Orth

"Voya hat es geschafft die Buchung und Abrechnung von Reisen mittels Open-Booking zu vereinfachen"

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When different business travel policies apply to employees, costs have to be laid out and everything has to be checked manually - and that at several locations in an otherwise modern and digital corporate environment - worlds collide. To the detriment of employee satisfaction.

Before voya: status quo & requirements

Employee satisfaction is 100 percent of heycar's focus. The existing travel booking process did not do justice to this. Because it was neither uniform, nor digitally, nor user:friendly organized.

With voya: effects & impacts

As a digital company, voya is the solution that fits the culture and employees of heycar: agile, dynamic, flexible and user-centric. Voya supports heycar in all aspects of business travel with a decentralized booking process on employee level and a centrally stored travel policy.

Pia B.

"As a digital company, voya provides us with solutions that fit us and our employees."


Wenn für Mitarbeitende unterschiedliche Dienstreiserichtlinien gelten, Kosten ausgelegt werden müssen und alles manuell zu prüfen ist - und das an mehreren Standorten in einem sonst modernen und digitalen Unternehmensumfeld - prallen Welten aufeinander. Zulasten der Mitarbeiter:innen- Zufriedenheit.

Vor voya: Status quo & Anforderungen

Die Zufriedenheit der MitarbeiterInnen steht bei heycar zu 100 Prozent im Fokus. Der bestehenden Reisebuchungsprozess wurde dem nicht gerecht. Weil dieser weder einheitlich, noch digital noch Nutzer:innenfreundlich organisiert war.

Mit voya: Effekte & Auswirkungen

Als digitales Unternehmen ist voya die Lösung, die zur Kultur und den Mitarbeitenden von heycar passen: agil, dynamisch, flexibel und nutzerorientiert. Voya unterstützt heycar bei allen Aspekten des Business Travel mit einem dezentralen Buchungsprozess auf Mitarbeiterebene und einer zentral hinterlegten Travel Policy.


“Als digitales Unternehmen bietet voya uns Lösungen, die zu uns und unseren Mitarbeitern passen.”

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